
Wel­come to The South Bend Clin­ic, where we rede­fine sur­gi­cal excel­lence. Our ded­i­cat­ed team of high­ly skilled med­ical pro­fes­sion­als is com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing per­son­al­ized care that empow­ers you on your health­care journey.

At every stage, we pri­or­i­tize your well-being, ensur­ing that your sur­gi­cal expe­ri­ence is not only com­fort­able but also safe and suc­cess­ful. Our patient-cen­tric approach keeps you informed and con­fi­dent, from the ini­tial con­sul­ta­tion to post-oper­a­tive care.

Our com­pre­hen­sive sur­gi­cal ser­vices encom­pass a wide range of pro­ce­dures, all exe­cut­ed with pre­ci­sion, safe­ty, and a relent­less pur­suit of out­stand­ing results by our expe­ri­enced team. Our mis­sion is not just to heal but to empow­er and trans­form lives

Hospital Affliations

Allied Physicians Surgery Center

53990 Carmichael Drive

South Bend, 46635 Indiana

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